Annual Maintenance Contract
Preventive maintenance is most important activity for trouble free operation and uninterrupted supply of power. Annual maintenance contract is the preventive maintenance conducted by us for our customers. AMC plan involves periodic maintenance of equipments conducted on quarterly and on annual basis. We also under take A.M.C. for different type of transformers. Annual four Visits are planned at site by our Service Engineer & technician team for Periodical maintenance of the Product.

Benefits of Annual Maintenance Contract

(A) Visual and Mechanical Inspection:
  •  Inspect physical conditions for oil leakages, oil level, repair of leakage if any.
  •  Inspection for electrical connection tightness, grounding Etc.
  •  Inspection for Cracks & Dust in Bushing, Gasketted Joints, Bushing              Replacement, Replacement of Gasket
  • Electrical Inspection for transformer loading, continuity, inspection for       tightness of earth connection in pits.
  •  Inspection for proper operation of radiator valves, drain valves Etc.
  •  Thoroughly wipe down, vacuum, and dust transformer.
  •  Check for air passages are clear. Check for color of active agent in Silicagel        Breather.
  •  Analysis of Insulating oil for electrical strength, oil filtration and oil        replacement is required.
  •  Painting of transformer if required.
  •  Checking & Testing of Protective Gear like WTI, OTI, Buchholz Relay, MOLG        Etc.

(B) Electrical Inspections: 

  •  Resistance testing through bolted connections
  •  Insulation-resistance tests, winding to winding, and each winding to ground..
  •  Turns-ratio tests at all tap positions
  •  Verification for BDV of Insulating Oil.
  •  Dissolved Gas Analysis of transformer oil.

(C) OLTC Inspection:

  • Check OLTC Oil Condition
  • RTCC remote control
  • Check Mechanical Operation
  • Check and replace Moving and Fix Contact of OLTC